Children services improvements and Ofsted report

Details of our improvements to children services and our latest Ofsted report for October 2024.

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Ofsted report – October 2024

In December 2024, Ofsted rated Croydon's children's social care services as 'good'. Inspectors visited in October 2024. They found that our children's services have 'improved in most areas' since our previous 'good' rating in 2020. They said that the Executive Mayor, the cabinet member and the chief executive advocate strongly for children. They described corporate parenting as a strength, with children and care leavers fully involved and listened to.

Ofsted noted that we achieved an overall good rating 'against a backdrop of significant challenges'. These included financial difficulties, increased demand and the cost of services in London's largest borough. Ofsted noted the scale and complexity of the borough’s operation.

Inspectors praised the dedicated, experienced and skilled social workers and personal advisers. They saw some excellent examples of direct work with children and young people. The ambassadors scheme for care experienced young people was described as 'impressive' providing a real opportunity for young people to challenge and support our work.

Read the October 2024 Ofsted report (PDF, 218 KB)

Download the Ofsted letter to the children and young people in Croydon (PDF, 191KB)