How to register a stillbirth

How to register a stillbirth

We need the medical certificate of cause of death (MCCD) for the registration.

Email: to check we have the MCCD before you book your registration appointment.

When we have confirmed we have the medical certificate of cause of death (MCCD), you can book your appointment online. We cannot book your registration appointment until we have received this.

How to book an appointment

To book an appointment, email Croydon Register Office.

We will confirm your appointment time by email. 

What happens in your appointment

Registration appointments are by telephone so make sure you give us a telephone number to call you at your appointment time.

Your appointment will last about 40 minutes.

We cannot make changes to the register after your appointment, so please decide if you would like to give the baby a first name, and whether to include the name of the father on the register.

Support services

During your appointment we can advise you about bereavement services available in Croydon.

The following also have support and advice: