Budgeting Loans
You could be eligible for an interest free Budgeting Loan if you have been receiving at least one of the following benefits for a continuous period of 6 months or more:
- Income Support
- income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
- income-based Employment and Support Allowance
- Pension Credit
You only have to pay back the amount you borrow, and repayments are taken automatically from your benefits. Budgeting Loans are administered by the Department for Welfare and Pensions.
Apply for a Budgeting Loan
How much you can borrow
The lowest amount you can borrow is £100. You could get up to:
- £348 if you’re single
- £464 if you have a partner
- £812 if you or your partner claim Child Benefit
What you can use a Budgeting Loan for
You can use the money to help pay for::
- furniture or household items
- clothes or footwear
- rent in advance
- costs linked to moving house
- maintenance, improvements or security for your home
- travelling costs within the UK
- costs linked to getting a new job
Find out more about Budgeting Loans on GOV.UK.