Our approach to commissioning

How we develop and improve services with and for the people of Croydon.

Joint commissioning boards

Croydon Council and the Integrated Commissioning Board (formerly the Clinical Commissioning Group) have established a series of Joint Commissioning Boards to develop outcomes-based commissioned health and social care provision for:

  • older people and carers (aged 65 plus)
  • adults experiencing mental health issues or dementia (where the primary need is mental health)
  • adults with disabilities or autism

The board encourages collaborative planning, achievement of strategic objectives and outcomes, and drives the efficiency and effectiveness of commissioned services. 

Evidence based commissioning will be key, and the board will be informed and driven by needs assessment, market analysis, experiences of people using services, consultation and engagement.

Partnership boards

For more information about how to get involved visit the Get involved with Adult Social Care web page.