FOI improvement action plan

Information on how we will improve our compliance with the FOI statutory timeframes.

Croydon supports this plan

We support this improvement action plan


Action: New Freedom of Information training created to be delivered to all FOI contacts. Training will be provided on applying exemptions  to key staff via legal team and written guides will be produced to support the training.

Impact: Time taken to recognise and refer requests, and to respond to internal consultations will be improved.

Priority: High

Person or team responsible: Information Team Manager / Information Governance Legal Specialist

Start date: August 2023

End date: September 2023

Review: Information Team Manager sharing quick guides to key staff. Legal Specialist arranging training for first week in August with key Directors.

Current status: Update to follow

Understanding the risk of failing compliance

Action: To improve internal governance, an Information Management Control (IMC) Board has been set up, chaired by the council's monitoring officer. The performance of the FOI function will be reported here routinely. In addition the information will be reported to the corporate management team on a monthly basis. The FOI Improvement Action Plan progress will be reported to the IMC Board and a fortnightly meeting with the monitoring officer and the assistant chief executive will take place, until the improvement actions are embedded and a sustainable service is being provided.

Impact: An appreciation of the implications of failing to comply, and the causes of non-compliance, can help to focus senior staff on adequately resourcing request handling. Provide stronger insight to FOI performance across the organisation and ensure the organisations maturity is increased.

Priority: High

Person or team responsible: Chief Digital Officer

Start date: July 2023

End date: Ongoing

Review: Internal briefing note send out by the chief digital officer and over-due cases send to Corporate Directors. On-going fortnightly review with the monitoring officer and assistant chief executive.

Current status: Ongoing

Managing responses

Action: Review of the press office process and director sign-off.

Impact: Remove delays from the handling process.

Priority: High

Person or team responsible: Data Protection Officer / Information Team Manager

Start date: July 2023

End date: August 2023

Review: We are correctly reviewing the process and building in signoff time. Staff will be updated.

Current status: In progress