Tender opportunities

Register to find adult health and social care tender opportunities.

All opportunities are advertised on our procurement portal. We encourage all providers to register for a free account, this will ensure that even if there is nothing available at the moment, you will be automatically notified when things come up in the future.

We have a number of Dynamic Purchasing Systems (DPSs) in place:

DPS 1 Care in the home and active lives

  • Lot 1: Care and support in the home
  • Lot 2: Active lives and day opportunities
  • Lot 3: Short term outreach

DPS 3 Independent living

  • Lot 1: Supported living
  • Lot 2: Housing related support
  • Lot 3: Young people semi independent accommodation

To gain full access to current tender opportunities you must register your company or organisation.

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Please read our Market Position Statement.