Staying healthy and well at home

Information and advice on staying healthy and independent at home.

You can remain independent at home for longer by living a healthy lifestyle, eating well and exercising. Find the support you need using the resources below.


NHS Eat Well Guide

The Eat Well guide provides information and advice on how to achieve a healthy, balanced diet. Visit the NHS Eatwell website for more information.


NHS Better health

Better health has lots of free tools to support you to make healthy changes.  If you are thinking about losing weight, quitting smoking, drinking less, or getting active, visit the NHS Better Health website for more information.


Mental health and wellbeing

Visit the Mental health and wellbeing page for support and advice, including help if you or someone you know is having a mental health crisis.

Croydon's Healthy Homes team has lots of advice and information to help residents make savings on their gas, electricity and water bills.

To find out how they can help see Croydon healthy homes.

To get face-to-face help we have a number of drop-ins and workshops see our Energy advice events | Croydon Council  

Cost of living support

Croydon's Healthy Homes team has lots of advice and information to help residents make savings on their gas, electricity and water bills.

Find out how they can help Croydon Healthy Homes scheme.

Get face-to-face help at our energy advice drop-ins and workshops.

Household Support Fund (HSF)

If you are facing hardship or crisis and you are on a low income and need help with essentials like food or energy we can help with a one-off payment that will not affect your benefits. 

Apply for the household support fund.