Children In Care Council & Care Leavers Forum

We provide young people with the chance to identify common issues with the care they receive and make proposals for improvements. All of which are presented to the Corporate Parenting Panel at Croydon Council, chaired by the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Education. Every week we run a range of activities and workshops where you can get creative, make friends and make change.

Age groups 

4 to 10 year olds: There is a variety of events during the year for younger children so their views can be captured in a creative and child-friendly way.

11 to 16 year olds: Young people aged 16 to 18 are still able to attend these sessions along with the monthly senior sessions to help bridge the gap in their transition to leaving care. The sessions are fortnightly and include training, trips, and consultations.

17 to 25 year olds: These care leavers forums meet on a monthly basis, and have access to a dynamic programme to support leaving care and living independently.

Our offer

Weekly Youth Hub sessions: meet new people, take part in tailored workshops and more. These sessions run fortnightly during winter.

Online sessions: online workshops including weekly mental wellbeing check-ins and individual wellbeing walks

Session themes: life skills, including first-aid, healthy relationships, sexual health, money management, cookery, and confidence building.

Wellbeing calls/messages: weekly contact from us plus reminder messages for upcoming sessions and opportunities.

Free day trips: free day trips throughout the year including the cinema, theme parks, go-karting, and restaurants.

Refreshments/hot meal: young people can cook a hot meal at all of our sessions. Light refreshments are also provided.

Have your voice heard: the opportunity to take part in consultations and focus groups to ensure anything for or about young people will be approved by young people. 

Reasons to get involved

Young people can find a level of involvement that suits them. 

Those who attend regularly get the chance to go on day trips and a summer residential. 

We will pay for all Children Looked After and Care Leavers' Legacy Membership for those aged 8 to 19, and up to 25 for those with disabilities. 

Those with travel concerns can contact us so we can work with your social worker, personal assistant or foster carer to arrange a plan.

Build meaningful, positive bonds with the E.M.P.I.R.E staffing team as well the Corporate Parents, Service Managers, Directors and Councillors to change the care the Local Authority provide and ensure young people’s voices are being heard.

How to register

Registering is really easy and all we need is for you to:

SMS: Text ‘join empire’ to: 07926 084741 with your name and telephone number.


Email: Send an email with the subject ‘join empire’ to with your name and telephone number.

When you do this, we will reply to you, complete the registration process and provide you with a membership pack.

Contact information

If you would like to visit a session or meet the staff before attending then please contact us to arrange this: