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Croydon's wheelchair service aims to meet the needs of individuals with a permanent need for a wheelchair, with the overall aim of achieving independence in daily living.
Croydon Wheelchair Service user group consists of service users who meet regularly with the clinical lead of the Wheelchair Service and other interested parties to discuss ways of improving provision for wheelchair users.
If you would like to be part of the user group or join these meetings, email ceswheelchairs@croydon.gov.uk
Meetings are held quarterly at Croydon Living Independently Centre, 3 Imperial Way, Croydon, CR0 4RR. The next meetings are below.
If you would like to take part in the user group, please email ceswheelchairs@croydon.gov.uk.
Croydon Living Independently Centre
3 Imperial Way
Croydon CR0 4RR
United Kingdom
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