The aim of the integrated mental health strategy is to create a shared transformational vision for mental health service provision in Croydon in the next 5 years.
It is recognised that this strategy is been developed in the context of significant local and national challenges including:
- An increasing demand for mental health services (led in part by demographic changes and population growth), which has led to significant pressures on inpatient beds for Croydon’s population.
- A challenging environment in terms of financial resources available to commissioners
- A service system that is imbalanced with a significant number of people in secondary care in the community that could be better managed in primary care, and an over reliance on inpatient provision.
- A low baseline for community services e.g. Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) services.
- A need to develop further health and social care integration with the aim of promoting a whole person approach
By taking forward service re‐design we plan not only to meet our financial challenge, but to raise the quality of the services we commission, and improve patient experience by ensuring that mental health problems are dealt with early and within non stigmatising environments
The full strategy can be downloaded below.