Equality and diversity strategies and publications

Achieving Access for All, Equality Annual Report, Equality Policy Statement, Equality Strategy, archive of schemes and strategies, workforce profiles, gender pay gap, ethnicity and disability pay gap, and our workforce strategy.

Equality annual report

Croydon aspires to be a place noted for its safety, openness and community spirit where everyone who lives and works here has a strong sense of belonging. As a council and in partnership with others we aim to address the needs and aspirations of local people to create a place of opportunity for all.

Croydon is the largest London borough in terms of population, and one of the most diverse in outer-London. This rich diversity is a significant strength for the borough, making Croydon the vibrant and dynamic place it is today.

The Equality Act 2010 came into force from October 2010, and the new public sector equality duty came into force from 5 April 2011. The Act brings together approximately 116 separate pieces of legislation including the duties found in the Race Relation Act and Disability Discrimination Act.

Section 149 of the Act places a general duty on public authorities, who must, in the exercise of their functions, have due regard to the need to:

  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act;
  • Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not;
  • Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.

Equality annual reports

Equality Annual Report

The Equality Policy and supporting Opportunity and Fairness Plan 2016/20 set out the Council’s statutory equality objectives in line with the regulatory duties under the Equality Act 2010.

Each section of the equality annual report sets out the current equality objectives and a summary of the performance key activities and projects that the Council has focused on over the last year to deliver them.

It also contains good practice stories that provide an overview of how the Council has worked in partnership with our statutory, voluntary and community partners, and engaged with our residents to deliver equality initiatives that support work on improving service outcomes for diverse communities in the borough.